Ten Home Security Tips

Ten Home Security Tips

  10 Home Security Tips 


1. Lighting – All areas surrounding your home, should be well lit. There should not be any areas near your home that remains dark when lights are turned on.


2. Keep all exterior doors lock when you are not in the vicinity of the door.


3. Keep all windows on the ground floor locked, if your are not at home, or are in a different room for an extended period of time.


4. Keep all ladders which can be used to climb into windows, secured in your garage or a locked shed.


5. Keep your garage door closed and locked if you are not using it.


6. If you are parking your car outside of the garage, keep your car doors lock.


7. Do not leave any valuables on your car seat or visible to prying eyes. This includes your garage door opener.


8. Install a home alarm system. This can either be self-monitored or a payed monitoring service.


9. Install outdoor security cameras. This will allow you to see your home’s exterior via a phone app.


10. Do not leave mail in your mail box for more than a day or two. Stacks of mail is a sign that you are away on vacation, or away from home for an extended period of time. The U.S. Postal Service, has a free program in place for you to stop your mail delivery service for a period of time. They will then deliver it on the day you specify. This service can be set up online.


If you use these security tips , you are well on your way to keeping your family and yourself safe.